
Title: Plier

Author: Jane Washington 

When I say that I CONSUMED this book. I really really did. I came home from work. My son was laying in bed with me because he was sick. I start reading this book and it’s already the middle of the night. Midnight. I look up and my son has long since been passed out. And it’s 5am. Oh! And I finished the book. Skip to a day later and I’m on book three. It’s giving sacrifice of my sleep. Sacrifice of my household. (Not my child though because he is at his dad’s today). Just wow. All consuming. I needed a good book to get me out of my slump after reading the Witchwood boy’s latest release. This has alpha-holes. It has drama. Reality television. Suspense. And you know I’m a dark girly you guys, so I’m always here for the betrayal. I wont say who does the betraying though. It sure took me by surprise, so I can’t wait to hear the reactions when it does come. 

*Although there is that one scene were it was a tiny bit suss. Hindsight being 20/20 and all that*

Be free my lovelies and go read <3
